Source code for tests.test_xmlserializer

""" Tests of XML Serializer tools """

from unittest import TestCase
from import xmlserializer
from xml.dom import minidom
from import dom_to_dict

[docs]class TestXmlSerializer(TestCase):
[docs] def test_dict_to_dom(self): """ Test xml serialization using dict_to_dom method. """ test_doc = minidom.Document() test_node = test_doc.createElement("test") test_dict = { 'attr1': 'value1', 'attr2': 'value2', 'subnode1': { '_content': 'testcontent' }, 'subnode2': { 'subnode2attr1': 'value1', 'subnode2attr2': 'value2', '_content': 'testcontent2' }, 'subnode3': { 'subnode3attr1': 'value1', 'subnode3attr2': 'value2', 'subnode31': { '_content': 'testcontent3' } }, 'listsubnode': [ { "_content": "value1" }, { "_content": "value2" }, { "_content": "value3" } ] } xmlserializer.dict_to_dom(test_node, test_dict) self.assertEqual( xmlserializer.dom_to_dict(test_node), { "test": test_dict } )
[docs] def test_dict_to_dom_unicode(self): """ Test xml serialization using dict_to_dom method. """ test_doc = minidom.Document() test_node = test_doc.createElement("test") test_dict = { 'attr1': 'value1', 'attr2': 'value2', 'subnode1': { '_content': 'testcontent' }, 'subnode2': { 'subnode2attr1': 'value1', 'subnode2attr2': 'value2', '_content': 'testcontent2' }, 'subnode3': { 'subnode3attr1': 'value1', 'subnode3attr2': 'value2\xf6', 'subnode31': { '_content': 'testcontent3\xf6' } }, 'listsubnode': [ { "_content": "value1" }, { "_content": "value2" }, { "_content": "value3" } ] } xmlserializer.dict_to_dom(test_node, test_dict) self.assertEqual( xmlserializer.dom_to_dict(test_node), { "test": test_dict } )
[docs] def test_dom_to_dict(self): """ Test xml->dict serialization Creates a node, generates the dict using dict_to_dom and compares a pickled result """ test_doc = minidom.Document() test_node = test_doc.createElement("test") test_node.setAttribute("testattribute", "value") test_subnode = test_doc.createElement("subtest") test_subnode.appendChild(test_doc.createTextNode("testcontent")) test_node.appendChild(test_subnode) test_doc.appendChild(test_node) test_dict = dom_to_dict(test_node) expected_result = { "test": { "testattribute": "value", "subtest": { "_content": "testcontent" } } } self.assertEqual( expected_result, test_dict )