Source code for

""" A tool to convert from Zimbra dicts to Python dicts

"Zimbra dicts" means lists in the following form::

            "n": "key",
            "_content": "value"


[docs]def zimbra_to_python(zimbra_dict, key_attribute="n", content_attribute="_content"): """ Converts single level Zimbra dicts to a standard python dict :param zimbra_dict: The dictionary in Zimbra-Format :return: A native python dict """ local_dict = {} for item in zimbra_dict: local_dict[item[key_attribute]] = item[content_attribute] return local_dict
[docs]def get_value(haystack, needle, key_attribute="n", content_attribute="_content"): """ Fetch a value from a zimbra-like json dict (keys are "n", values are "_content" This function may be slightly faster than zimbra_to_python(haystack)[ needle], because it doesn't necessarily iterate over the complete list. :param haystack: The list in zimbra-dict format :param needle: the key to search for :return: the value or None, if the key is not found """ for value in haystack: if value[key_attribute] == needle: return value[content_attribute] return None