Source code for
""" Run an AuthRequest against the zimbra server and return the
authentication token """
import time
from pythonzimbra.request_json import RequestJson
from pythonzimbra.request_xml import RequestXml
from pythonzimbra.communication import Communication
from pythonzimbra.response_json import ResponseJson
from pythonzimbra.response_xml import ResponseXml
from import preauth
from pythonzimbra.exceptions.auth import *
[docs]def authenticate(url, account, key, by='name', expires=0, timestamp=None,
timeout=None, request_type="xml", admin_auth=False,
use_password=False, raise_on_error=False):
""" Authenticate to the Zimbra server
:param url: URL of Zimbra SOAP service
:param account: The account to be authenticated against
:param key: The preauth key of the domain of the account or a password (if
admin_auth or use_password is True)
:param by: If the account is specified as a name, an ID or a
:param expires: When the token expires (or 0 for default expiration)
:param timestamp: When the token was requested (None for "now")
:param timeout: Timeout for the communication with the server. Defaults
to the urllib2-default
:param request_type: Which type of request to use ("xml" (default) or
:param admin_auth: This request should authenticate and generate an admin
token. The "key"-parameter therefore holds the admin password (implies
:param use_password: The "key"-parameter holds a password. Do a password-
based user authentication.
:param raise_on_error: Should I raise an exception when an authentication
error occurs or just return None?
:return: The authentication token or None
:rtype: str or None or unicode
if timestamp is None:
timestamp = int(time.time()) * 1000
pak = ""
if not admin_auth:
pak = preauth.create_preauth(account, key, by, expires, timestamp)
if request_type == 'xml':
auth_request = RequestXml()
auth_request = RequestJson()
request_data = {
'account': {
'by': by,
'_content': account
ns = "urn:zimbraAccount"
if admin_auth:
ns = "urn:zimbraAdmin"
request_data['password'] = key
elif use_password:
request_data['password'] = {
"_content": key
request_data['preauth'] = {
'timestamp': timestamp,
'expires': expires,
'_content': pak
server = Communication(url, timeout)
if request_type == 'xml':
response = ResponseXml()
response = ResponseJson()
server.send_request(auth_request, response)
if response.is_fault():
if raise_on_error:
raise AuthenticationFailed(
"Cannot authenticate user: (%s) %s" % (
return None
return response.get_response()['AuthResponse']['authToken']